Display different views

  • Displaying different views is very simple. You just need to leverage the UI State.

  • For example, I have a form where my users can enter values into an input and submit a transaction. Then, I want to display a success message once a transaction is successful.

  • I have two different views. Let's call them form and success.

  • Because there are two different views, there will be two different prompt blocks.

prompt :-  
  get(view, form),
  show [
    text('ETH -> WETH'),
    input(eth, eth),
    button('WRAP', [
      get(input/eth, ETH), 
      call_fn(weth, deposit, [ value(eth(ETH)) ], []),
      set(view, success).
  • The prompt above is displayed only if the view is set to form.

  • The view switches to success once the user clicks on the "WRAP" button and the deposit transaction is minted successfully.

prompt :- 
 get(view, success),
   text('ETH successfully swapped!'), 
   button('New Swap', [ set(view, form) ])
  • The prompt above is displayed only if the view is set to success.

  • When the user clicks on the "New Swap" button he will set back the view to form.

The complete dApp treated in this example can be found here - RINKEBY

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